The Link Between Low T & Gum Disease

As we have reported in our dentist in Salmon Creek blog, research has discovered significant links between periodontitis – a severe form of gum disease – and systemic health issues that include diabetes, heart disease and dementia. However, while certain studies have examined the relationship between testosterone levels and periodontitis, no conclusive evidence has yet emerged showing any clear and concise association. To delve further into a possible connection, an international team of researchers recently examined eight studies that investigated chronic periodontitis and testosterone. The scientific review sought to answer a few interesting questions about what potential impact gum disease could have on the body’s ability to produce and control testosterone levels. Why examine the link between chronic periodontitis and testosterone? Over the past 30 years, a growing amount of research has found compelling links between gum disease and a number of chronic long-term illnesses, such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Furthermore, research has already found evidence to suggest that a link exists between chronic gum disease and female sex hormones, namely estrogens. However, the relationship between chronic periodontitis and men’s reproductive health has been overlooked and rarely examined. This has prompted researchers to want to discover more about what, if any, links may exist between gum disease and male reproductive issues such as infertility and low T levels. Six of the eight studies review showed a possible link between gum disease and low testosterone levels, but what’s the connection? Low testosterone levels have negative effects on bone metabolism which has been linked to increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin-6 and higher osteoclastic activity. This connection has resulted in roughly 65 percent of studies finding a link between testosterone levels and chronic periodontitis. A possible explanation for these findings is an increased response in gum tissue by immune-endocrine interaction and a hormonal modulation of fibroblast. It has also been suggested that testosterone could impact the gingival stromal cell response to the presence of inflammation by decreasing the production of proinflammatory cytokines. This has led researchers to suggest that an evaluation of a patients’ medical history become an integral component of any comprehensive dental evaluation. Furthermore, patients who show low testosterone levels in their bodily fluids should be referred to an oral health care provider for a dental examination and treatment. Such actions may help improve the quality of life of patients suffering from either advanced gum disease or low testosterone levels. Why is establishing a clear link between advanced gum disease and testosterone levels been so difficult? One note researcher made when examining the different studies for potential outliers was that the ages of the participants varied significantly. One study examined testosterone levels in men between the ages of 19 to 21 while a separate study examined the levels of men between the ages of 66 to 95. Furthermore, roughly half of the studies reviewed failed to adjust their results for known risk factors for gum disease, such as obesity, diabetes and smoking. With such a varied age group and inexact standards, developing consistent results that stand up to further scrutiny has been difficult. As the mysteries surrounding periodontitis and low testosterone levels receive further scrutiny, check back with our dentist in Salmon Creek blog for more coverage of this important health topic.
The Hormonal Impact on Oral Health

As your family dentist in Salmon Creek, our team understands when most patients hear the word hormones they think of those awkward teenage years that should make the public display of old high school yearbooks a crime. (Punishable by a forced feathered haircut or perm, perhaps.) However, hormonal changes can also impact the oral health of both men and women. While most patients know that during middle age, the fluctuation in female hormones such as estrogen can cause a number of problems before, around, and during menopause. It’s been well established that women can become more susceptible to bone problems such as osteoporosis, join pain and heart conditions. Temporomandibular joint pain – commonly referred to as TMJ – can develop due to a decrease in estrogen levels, as estrogen provides an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. However, a decrease in estrogen can also cause a variety of oral health problems as well. Dry Mouth When estrogen levels drop, it can impact the amount of water the body maintains as estrogen plays a role in controlling the regulation of fluids in the body, including the fluid content of the mouth. A change in hormones doesn’t just impact women’s either. Lower testosterone levels in men can also result in increased dry mouth. Combine the impact hormone fluxuation has on the body’s ability to regulate fluids with the fact that the body ability to conserve water drops with age, means that it’s far easier to become dehydrated the older we get. Frequent dehydration can cause: Dry mouth Bad breath Gum problems and tooth decay Changes in taste Fortunately, you can take steps to lower your risk of dry mouth and dehydration by drinking plenty of water and increasing the number of foods in your diet that have a high water content, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. To ensure you drink enough water a day, try to drink a full glass of water during each meal. Not only will this habit help to keep you hydrated, it will also help to wash any food debris away that might linger in your mouth after eating. If you experience dry mouth during the day, try chewing on sugar-free gum to keep your mouth moist. Chewing gum will cause your mouth to naturally salivate and help to offset any dry mouth you may be experiencing. If dry mouth becomes a persistent problem, talk with Dr. Nelson to determine what might be the cause of your condition. Gum Disease As estrogen levels continue to drop in the years following menopause, women become more likely to develop severe gum disease. Low levels of estrogen cause inflammatory changes in the body that can lead to the development of gingivitis, an early stage of gum disease and precursor for the more serious periodontitis. Most postmenopausal women – 60 percent – will suffer from periodontal problems. The most common signs of gum disease include: Swollen, red, or tender gums Gums the have pulled away from the base of your teeth Discoloration of gum tissue Gum sensitivity Gums that bleed easily after brushing The best way to lower your risk of gum disease whether caused by hormonal change or poor oral health is to maintain a quality oral hygiene regimen. Cleaning between your teeth and along the gum line is vitally important because your gum tissue is the foundation of your teeth, and a weak foundation can lead to permanent tooth loss. If you have any questions about how a change in hormones can impact your oral health, make sure to ask your family dentist in Salmon Creek, Dr. Dale Nelson, during your next visit to Salmon Creek Family Dental.
Why Gum Health Is So Important

As patients of Dr. Nelson, your trusted family dentist in Salmon Creek, know firsthand, periodontal disease has long been linked as the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. However, growing research has shown that the damage caused by advanced gum disease isn’t limited to only the mouth. Gum disease has also been linked to an increased risk of a variety of serious degenerative diseases. How Gum Disease Develops Like our stomach, the mouth contains a complex ecosystem of bacteria health experts refer to as the oral microbiome. Just like in the stomach, different strands of bacteria compete for space. When all the different types find a balance, the gums remain protected from bacteria that causes oral disease. However, altering this delicate balance provides an opportunity for pathogens to invade, causing periodontal disease, which only further distorts this balance. Pathogenic bacteria causes periodontal disease to develop; however, they’re not the only primary suspect. Previously, researchers used to believe that bacteria destroys tissue, but today researchers now know that inflammation caused by bacteria is actually what destroys oral tissue. In other terms, the bacteria that causes disease triggers a response from the body’s immune system, and the summoned white blood cells not only eradicate the harmful bacteria but also damage gum tissue. The Impact of Gum Disease on the Body The impact of advanced gum disease can range from minor redness and swelling of the gums – a condition referred to as gingivitis – to the total destruction of the bone structure that supports the position of your teeth – advanced periodontitis -, which is responsible for tooth loss. Over the years, patients suffering from periodontal disease have been found to have a higher risk of developing a range of chronic health conditions that include dementia, complications with pregnancy, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes, and heart disease. While researchers don’t currently know if periodontal disease directly causes these types of health problems to develop, or if people with chronic health issues just have a harder time caring for their oral health, there’s no denying the association even if a cause and effect relationship hasn’t been established. Furthermore, the association probably works in both directions. Research into diabetes, for example, has shown that successfully treating gum disease reduces the severity of diabetes and vice versa. Preventing Gum Disease The following tips will greatly help to reduce your risk of gum inflammation or gum disease. Brush and floss daily. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing before bedtime will help to remove harmful bacteria from the mouth and balance your oral microbiome. If you have wide spaces between your teeth, implants, or dental bridges, you may want to consider the use of a water pick to help thoroughly clean between the hard to reach areas of your teeth. Don’t Smoke. Patients who smoke up to a pack and a half of cigarettes a day are three times more likely to develop periodontitis when compared to nonsmokers. Those who smoke more than half a pack a day have six times the risk. Eat a balanced diet. A diet loaded with fatty fish, nuts, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and vegetable oils not only offers all the essential nutrients your body needs, they also help to prevent inflammation. There is some evidence that individuals whose diets are high in omega-3 fatty acids, found most commonly in fatty fish, have a lower risk for gum disease. Schedule regular checkups with your family dentist in Salmon Creek. Dr. Nelson and our staff can remove harmful oral bacteria and spot the initial signs of gum disease. So don’t delay in scheduling your next dental appointment with our staff at Salmon Creek Family Dental.