How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy and Avoid Periodontal Disease

Here at Salmon Creek Family Dental, the dentist in Vancouver WA, we have patients who are expecting and ask us questions regarding oral health care. When a female becomes pregnant, she knows how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle; this will ensure the health of her and her baby. New clinical recommendations from the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) urge pregnant women to maintain periodontal health as well. This information has indicated that women who have periodontal disease are at higher risk of having adverse pregnancy outcomes, such giving birth to a pre-term or low-birth weight baby, reports the AAP and EFP. What is Periodontal Disease? Periodontal disease is a chronic gum disease; it is a bacteria-induced, inflammatory condition that will attack the gum tissue. In severe cases it will attack the bone that supports the teeth. If gum disease is not treated, it can lead to tooth loss. Symptoms of Periodontal Disease Gum disease often goes undiagnosed. There are symptoms that people experience and often ignore, such as swollen gums, redness, and even bleeding gums. Gums that bleed when you use a toothbrush or eat are common signs. What happens is the gums will pull away from your teeth, and you can have chronic bad breath, and eventually loose your teeth. If you have these signs when you are pregnant, do not ignore them. Several research studies have suggested that women with periodontal disease may be more likely to deliver babies prematurely or with low-birth weight than mothers with healthy gums. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), babies with a birth weight of less than 5.5 pounds may be at risk of long-term health problems such as delayed motor skills, social growth, or learning disabilities. If you are pregnant and think you are at risk for periodontal disease these tips can help. Get into a Routine When your baby comes, it will be difficult to maintain structure and a solid routine. But practicing a good health regimen now will help ensure consistent habits. Brush and floss your teeth every day for the best benefits. Get Evaluated Women who are pregnant who visit their dentist for a periodontal evaluation can often decrease the chance of adverse pregnancy complications. Dr. Nelson says it is important to monitor your periodontal health throughout each stage of your life. For a full evaluation visit us today #360-696-9461.
Clean Your Teeth While You Eat!
Did you know that cleaning your teeth is easy as eating a few certain foods? That’s right, you heard correctly. Of course, sugar is the tastiest of foods, but let’s not stray away from an important lesson: What foods you are consuming can have profound effects on your overall dental health. More importantly, which actually help clean your teeth? FRUITS This food group contains some of our favorites that are natural abrasives. You can get a good tooth scrubbing from eating apples, strawberries or kiwis, all which contain vitamin C, which is considered to hold cells together. Without vitamin C keeping gum cells intact, they can become tender and vulnerable to disease. Apples are also a naturally detergent food which help clean your teeth. Wait, it gets better – pineapples are known to actually help whiten teeth as they contain an enzyme called bromelain, which acts as a natural stain remover. The enzyme also aids in the breakdown of that sticky film of bacteria on your teeth called plaque. Getting rid of plaque is essential since it contains acids that erode the enamel of your teeth. VEGETABLES Carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes and broccoli all contain vitamin A which is necessary for the formation of tooth enamel. Veggies that are crunchy such as cauliflower, broccoli and cucumbers will help to clean and massage gums due to the increased amount of chewing involved. In fact, eating any crunchy vegetable helps clean your teeth. Onions and garlic contain antibacterial sulfur compounds which prevent tooth decay because they reduce the bacteria in your mouth. The preferable way to consume them is raw because cooking destroys the tooth friendly compounds. Celery produces teeth protecting saliva which neutralizes acid that causes cavities and demineralization. Broccoli has iron that forms a barrier which is acid resistant, protecting enamel while ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory agent. Further, chewing on fresh herbs such as cilantro, parsley and mint aid in the decrease of odors from bacteria buildup. It’s better to eat them raw since dried herbs have nutritional lack, but they can be used in a mouth rinse, which you can whip up yourself. And basil even helps reduce bacteria because it acts as a natural antibiotic. DAIRY Milk and Yogurt are good choices because of their low acidity content, which basically means your teeth will be worn down less. They are also low in the sugars that induce decay. Milk is a great source of calcium which is the main component to healthy teeth and bones. Cheese is rich in calcium, protein and phosphorous. These elements are cavity fighting agents that help buffer the acids in your mouth. The calcium and phosphorous in cheese assists the pH in the mouth, creates saliva, destroys the bacteria that causes cavities and disease and rebuilds tooth enamel. MEAT Chicken, Turkey, Beef and Eggs have within them phosphorous which which is one of the most vital minerals of teeth and bone. Salmon contains vitamin D and calcium. NUTS The breakdown of nuts within the mouth can create little “scrubbers” to remove plaque. Sesame seeds in particular do a good job of this as well as containing calcium. We here at Salmon Creek Family Dental, your dentist in Salmon Creek and Vancouver, WA, we recommend a balanced diet because it’s not only great for your body and well being, but most especially for your mouth. At the end of the day however, you need good dental hygiene. Make sure to brush and floss and come see us at Salmon Creek Family Dental for your regular check-ups.