How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy and Avoid Periodontal Disease

Here at Salmon Creek Family Dental, the dentist in Vancouver WA, we have patients who are expecting and ask us questions regarding oral health care. When a female becomes pregnant, she knows how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle; this will ensure the health of her and her baby. New clinical recommendations from the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) urge pregnant women to maintain periodontal health as well. This information has indicated that women who have periodontal disease are at higher risk of having adverse pregnancy outcomes, such giving birth to a pre-term or low-birth weight baby, reports the AAP and EFP. What is Periodontal Disease? Periodontal disease is a chronic gum disease; it is a bacteria-induced, inflammatory condition that will attack the gum tissue. In severe cases it will attack the bone that supports the teeth. If gum disease is not treated, it can lead to tooth loss. Symptoms of Periodontal Disease Gum disease often goes undiagnosed. There are symptoms that people experience and often ignore, such as swollen gums, redness, and even bleeding gums. Gums that bleed when you use a toothbrush or eat are common signs. What happens is the gums will pull away from your teeth, and you can have chronic bad breath, and eventually loose your teeth. If you have these signs when you are pregnant, do not ignore them. Several research studies have suggested that women with periodontal disease may be more likely to deliver babies prematurely or with low-birth weight than mothers with healthy gums. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), babies with a birth weight of less than 5.5 pounds may be at risk of long-term health problems such as delayed motor skills, social growth, or learning disabilities. If you are pregnant and think you are at risk for periodontal disease these tips can help. Get into a Routine When your baby comes, it will be difficult to maintain structure and a solid routine. But practicing a good health regimen now will help ensure consistent habits. Brush and floss your teeth every day for the best benefits. Get Evaluated Women who are pregnant who visit their dentist for a periodontal evaluation can often decrease the chance of adverse pregnancy complications. Dr. Nelson says it is important to monitor your periodontal health throughout each stage of your life. For a full evaluation visit us today #360-696-9461.
The Best Natural Sweeteners For Your Teeth
If you have a sweet tooth you may try to ignore the information about sugar and how bad it is for your oral health. If you crave sweet treats, there is good news, we have put together a list of alternative foods that are better for your health. After all, eating too much sugar can cause cavities, tooth decay and even toothaches. There are a lot of sweeteners that come from nature, and they can actually help improve your overall health from your dentist in Vancouver and Salmon Creek WA, Dr. Dale Nelson. Here are the top natural sweeteners Coconut sugar is a great alternative to regular sugar. Coconut sugar has more iron in it and four times the amount of magnesium than regular sugar. Adding coconut sugar to your diet can help slow down the absorption into the bloodstream and it is a natural sweetener that is not bad for you at all. Stevia Stevia is a all natural sweetener is made from the greenleaf part of a South American plant. You can purchase Stevia in a liquid powder form or in the raw. Because it is natural it is better for your teeth than regular cane sugar. Date Sugar Date sugar is super sweet sugar that can help slow down sugar absorption in the body. Dates are naturally rich in antioxidants, iron and in minerals and dates can help you stay hydrated. The sugar will dissolve in water so it’s best to use it for baking or sprinkling. Agave Syrup Agave is a sweet syrup that is made from the Agave plant and it is a better alternative than sugar or honey. It is good for you because it is all natural and can help prevent diabetes and heart disease. Many experts in the nutrition field and diet experts suggest using agave syrup instead of honey or sugar this is because it is all natural and it won’t raise your blood sugar level as much as regular sugar well. It’s okay to crave something sweet, but sugar is not good for you. Try these alternatives next time.
Is an Electronic Toothbrush Right for You?
Here at Salmon Creek Family Dental, we get a lot of patients who ask us about creative ways to care for their teeth. We often say one of the best things you can do for your smile is to buy an electronic toothbrush. Electronic toothbrushes are often better and more superior than regular toothbrushes because they have a timer and are more gentle on the gums tissue. Although using an electronic toothbrush is not for everyone, read further to see if an electronic toothbrush is the best fit for you. Electronic toothbrushes are a great way to keep your teeth clean. There have been many studies that indicated using the electronic toothbrush has an edge over the handheld toothbrushes. This is because it reduces plaque and gingivitis in the short and long-term with a gentle timed circular brushing motion. Electronic toothbrushes are good for people with arthritis or people who need to handle their toothbrush with more control, because it will result in cleaner teeth and gums for these people. Dentist near Baberton, WA, Dr. Dale Nelson says that there are many types of toothbrushes that are electronic for you to look at, some require batteries and some require just plugging into the wall. It pays to do research and find which style works best for you. Electronic toothbrush’s have a timer which makes it easy to push the start button and continue brushing until it is over, this allows people to clean their teeth more accurately. Electronic toothbrushes do a deep down teeth cleaning and your teeth and gums will be very healthy. It will reduce gingivitis, in addition it is ideal for anyone who is suffering from any conditions of painful teeth and gums to consult with Dr. Nelson first, we are here to help you. If you use a manual toothbrush you may realize that sometimes it doesn’t get all of your teeth as clean as possible. It’s important to note that teeth are brushed to hard and the tissue around your teeth and gums can become damaged. Whereas an electronic toothbrush requires less pressure and it often leaves the gum tissue with minimal damage. If you’ve been using a manual toothbrush and that works for you, continue to use it. The most important thing is that you practice good oral health care habits. Dr. Nelson wants to remind you that as long is your practicing good oral health care habits and flossing at least once a day your teeth will be healthy. No matter what you choose whether it’s electronic toothbrush or manual toothbrush.