Best Candy Options for Halloween Trick or Treating

Halloween is almost upon us, and soon all those little goblins, ghouls, and witches will be lining up at your door with hands outstretched. Most candy, especially those that are chewy and sticky, and those that take long to dissolve in the mouth like hard candies, are very bad for the teeth. They either can get stuck between teeth and coat the teeth with sugar, which harmful bacteria love to feed on, or continually bathe the teeth in acid and sugar, which is equally as damaging. For trick or treating time this All Hallows Eve, we have come up with some examples of better candy choices to give out. Here at Salmon Creek Family Dental, your Vancouver WA dental office of choice, we know that Halloween wouldn’t be the same without treats, so here’s our list of recommendations: Chocolate Since chocolate melts fairly quickly in your mouth, and because it contains calcium which can be good for teeth, it is an excellent choice to hand out. It is best as plain chocolate, without the gooey or chewy centers, which could get lodged in teeth. The smaller bars and boxes that Halloween chocolates often come as also limit the serving size of these treats, which means less in a child’s mouths at a time. Sugar-free Options Sugar-free treats, such as gum or lollipops, can actually stimulate saliva in the little mouths. Saliva is beneficial to the teeth because it can cut down on germs and help prevent tooth decay. Sugar-free gum comes in many flavors and best of all, it usually only contains less than 5 calories per stick. Even the American Dental Association recommends sugar-free gum as good choice for Halloween treats. Powder Based Treats Options like Pixy Stix or Sweet Tarts are full of sugar, that’s true, but they also do dissolve rapidly in the mouth. Sometimes these types are applied directly on the tongue. This means since they don’t stick around, their impact is less then choices like hard candies or those sticky, taffy types. Juice Boxes All natural juice in boxes is great for teeth and may help keep the little ones hydrated on their trick or treat trek. Try to find options that are 100% juice and have no sugar added, as these will be better for teeth. Often children are very thirsty from all that walking around, so some refreshing liquid might be just what they are craving. Non-Candy Treats Though no one wants to be known as the house without candy, there are some pretty cool non-candy treats that you can hand out. Think about supplying mini cans of play dough, bouncy balls, bottles of bubbles, glow sticks, vampire teeth, or temporary tattoos instead of candy this year. Other Tips Another trick for parents is to feed children before they go out trick or treating. That way they will have a full stomach and are less likely to start binging on their haul before they get home. It also best to limit the amount of candy your child consumes at once too. Coming up with plan to only partake in their sweets after a meal, and making sure that they are brushing twice a day, is also recommended. As your dentist in Vancouver, WA, we want you and your children’s teeth to be as healthy as they can. If you have any questions about teeth or oral care, please contact us today!
How to Have a Healthy Pregnancy and Avoid Periodontal Disease

Here at Salmon Creek Family Dental, the dentist in Vancouver WA, we have patients who are expecting and ask us questions regarding oral health care. When a female becomes pregnant, she knows how important it is to maintain a healthy lifestyle; this will ensure the health of her and her baby. New clinical recommendations from the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) and the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) urge pregnant women to maintain periodontal health as well. This information has indicated that women who have periodontal disease are at higher risk of having adverse pregnancy outcomes, such giving birth to a pre-term or low-birth weight baby, reports the AAP and EFP. What is Periodontal Disease? Periodontal disease is a chronic gum disease; it is a bacteria-induced, inflammatory condition that will attack the gum tissue. In severe cases it will attack the bone that supports the teeth. If gum disease is not treated, it can lead to tooth loss. Symptoms of Periodontal Disease Gum disease often goes undiagnosed. There are symptoms that people experience and often ignore, such as swollen gums, redness, and even bleeding gums. Gums that bleed when you use a toothbrush or eat are common signs. What happens is the gums will pull away from your teeth, and you can have chronic bad breath, and eventually loose your teeth. If you have these signs when you are pregnant, do not ignore them. Several research studies have suggested that women with periodontal disease may be more likely to deliver babies prematurely or with low-birth weight than mothers with healthy gums. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), babies with a birth weight of less than 5.5 pounds may be at risk of long-term health problems such as delayed motor skills, social growth, or learning disabilities. If you are pregnant and think you are at risk for periodontal disease these tips can help. Get into a Routine When your baby comes, it will be difficult to maintain structure and a solid routine. But practicing a good health regimen now will help ensure consistent habits. Brush and floss your teeth every day for the best benefits. Get Evaluated Women who are pregnant who visit their dentist for a periodontal evaluation can often decrease the chance of adverse pregnancy complications. Dr. Nelson says it is important to monitor your periodontal health throughout each stage of your life. For a full evaluation visit us today #360-696-9461.
Helping Your Teeth Age Gracefully
As with most things in life, the older people get, the more attention they have to pay towards maintaining their health. Just as knees and backs begin to creak due to a lifetime of wear and tear, so to do our teeth. Considering the amount of munching, crunching, gnashing, and noshing a person will do over the years, it’s quite remarkable how well our teeth holdup when exposed to this kind of daily use and abuse. However, despite this resiliency, your teeth do eventually begin to wear down as you age. Here’s what happens to teeth as you age, and what you can do to help keep your teeth healthy and strong for years to come. Acid Erosion One of the biggest threats to the health of your teeth is acid erosion caused by starchy and sugary foods. When eaten, these types of carbohydrates begin to ferment, which causes the sticky bacteria in your mouth known as plaque to produce harmful acids. These types of acids begin to quickly eat away at your teeth’s enamel. When given enough time, this acid will create small divots in your teeth where tooth decay can begin to form. While most people assume that eating foods high in sugar is the worst thing they can do to their teeth, drink sugary beverages can actually cause greater damage. Sweetened carbonated beverages, such as soda and some sports drinks, cause more damage to your teeth because the carbonation in the drinks increase the acidity levels in your mouth. To help prevent the affects of acid erosion, make sure you don’t overdo the number of sugary foods, and carbonated beverages you consume on a regular basis. If you find yourself craving something sweet, try chewing on a stick of sugarless gum instead. Chewing gum actually increases the amount of saliva in your mouth, which helps to wash away harmful plaque acids that damage the health of your teeth. Also try to avoid snacking throughout the day. When you eat a large meal, your mouth produces more saliva, which, again, helps to wash away the acids that form in the mouth. However, when you grab a quick candy bar or bag of chips, your mouth produces much less saliva. This results in more food particles clinging to your teeth and plaque producing more acids. Finally, make sure you brush and floss daily. Flossing removes any lingering food particles that may become stuck between your teeth, while brushing helps to remove harmful acids and excess plaque that builds up in the mouth. Wear & Tear Your teeth function mostly on a mechanical level. They mash and grind just like a mortar and pestle so you can easily digest the foods you consume. Despite the resilient nature of your teeth, they can become cracked or chipped when biting down on something hard. This is why dentist recommend that you never use your teeth to tear open objects or to pop the top off of a bottle. Teeth that have been filled due to cavities or undergone root canals are more likely to chip or crack, as they no longer have the same amount of strength as your other healthier teeth. Individuals who frequently grind or clench their teeth, a condition known as bruxism, can also cause undo stress to the health of their teeth. Usually brought on by stress or anxiety, bruxism can wear down the health of your teeth over time, making them more susceptible to the effects of decay. To help reduce the affects of wear and tear on your teeth, avoid munching on ice cubes and other types of hard food. Take the time to make sure any item you’re prepared to bite down on doesn’t contain a pit, such as olives, popcorn, or cherries. You also need to make sure you visit Salmon Creek, WA dentist Dr. Nelson regularly so he can look for any broken or cracked fillings that could weaken the strength of your teeth. If you routinely grind or clench your teeth, Dr. Nelson can help you deal with bruxism by providing you with a mouth guard for you to wear while you sleep. Dry Mouth Another frequent oral health problem for seniors is dry mouth, or xerostomia. Individuals who suffer from dry mouth have a significantly higher risk of developing tooth decay and gum disease. A regular, healthy flow of saliva in the mouth is needed to neutralize harmful acids and to wash away lingering food particles. In seniors, ill fitting dentures, certain types of medications, and a variety of diseases can cause dry mouth. If you notice a drop-off in the amount of saliva your mouth produces, schedule an appointment to talk with a doctor. A prescription change may help to eliminate the problem, or you may need a refitting for your dentures. Until you saliva levels return to normal, try chewing on sugar free gum.