Do You Have a Bad Bite?

Here at Salmon Creek Family Dental, a General Dentist in Vancouver, Washington, we have many patients asking us about their oral health. One of the more popular themes lately has been patients asking us about bad bites. Is Your Bite Off? There are a number of ways of telling if your bite is off. If you tap your teeth together as you normally would, check to see if you hear a sharp sound, this could be the sound of many teeth touching at the same time. If the sound is muffled or you may have a tentative bite? This is the easiest way to tell how your bite is. In general, the softer the closure, the greater chance that your bite is off. Another thing you can do is to put your index fingers on the outside of your upper row of teeth, and then close your teeth. Do you feel the impact on only one or two teeth? You can also try sliding your jaw from left to right. When you slide your jaw off to one side, the back and side teeth should not contact one another. They should come close, but they should not be touching. Your teeth’s purpose is to grind food, not to bite through it. So if they contact each other when you chew your food it is not really a good thing, and this too can indicates a bad bite. However, with some patients there is just no way to balance the existing bite, because the teeth are too far out from where they need to be. There Are Many Options We care deeply about your health and confidence when it comes to a great smile. We will sit down with you on your next visit, and discuss your options in detail. We are happy to go over this and all your concerns and questions. Please call today for an appointment.
Advantages of Dental Implants
Missing teeth can disrupt the quality of life that you’ve dreamed of, but there’s no reason that you shouldn’t receive the dental treatment you deserve. Dentist in Vancouver, WA Dr. Dale Nelson offers dental implants as a long-term treatment option for the replacement of missing teeth at Salmon Creek Family Dental. Why Choose Dental Implants? Dental implants are a convenient, cost-effective alternative to more temporary treatments such as dental bridges and partial or full dentures. Unlike partial or full dentures, there’s no equipment that needs to be taken out and cleaned separately. Permanently affixed in your jaw, dental implants require only standard routine dental care to maintain a bright, natural looking smile. When it comes to everyday activities like eating and speaking, dental implants provide the comfort and confidence you need in daily interactions with others. Dental bridges and dentures can cause discomfort and require extra care and maintenance, which is not the case with dental implants. Dental Implant Evaluation Dr. Dale Nelson, a dentist in Vancouver WA, and his team at Salmon Creek Family Dental can help you decide if dental implants are right for you through a brief evaluation. Factors that effect whether or not dental implants can work for you include: the health of your jaw bone to place the implant “roots” your overall health, including diabetes and other conditions that may effect healing after the procedure the use of tobacco, which threatens dental health the presence of periodontal disease that requires treatment before implants can be placed current medications that may effect healing These factors are taken into account along with your general dental health, including brushing and flossing habits. Because dental implants are similar to natural teeth, a regular brushing and flossing regimen is necessary to maintain to ensure the health of gum tissue and jaw bone after the dental implant procedure. Dental Implants: A Good Fit? After education and discussion, Dr. Nelson can advise you personally whether or not dental implants are a good treatment option for your dental health. The first step is to schedule an appointment at Salmon Creek Family Dental in order to be evaluated. In addition, Dr. Nelson will need important information from you, including a complete medical and dental history and current dental x-rays in order to determine your eligibility for dental implants. Then Dr. Nelson will sit down with you and explain your options in language that’s easy to understand. Don’t let missing teeth detract from your quality of life – dental implants can help you maintain the confidence and convenience that you desire in good dental health!
Fruits and Vegetables That Are Good For Your Teeth

Since you were a little kid you heard people say “Eat your veggies,” since it’s widely known that getting more green in your diet is a good way to stay healthy. Eating fruits and vegetables are not only good for your overall health but your dental health as well. Greens and Vegetables Vegetables that are juicy and leafy are some of the best foods for your teeth. Cabbage, chard, and collard greens are all great choices for your teeth. Each is loaded with vitamins and minerals that are necessary to help you maintain and improve your oral health. The nutrients found in dark leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce contain high amounts of magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium and magnesium. Because phosphorous is stored in the teeth (your bones), these minerals are instrumental in helping your body maintain balance. Carrots Munching on carrots and celery is a great way to keep your teeth healthy. When you chew foods that are crunchy and high in fiber, your mouth has to work overtime which stimulates the gums. Healthy gums are an important factor in oral care because they can keep your teeth healthy. These foods have beta-carotene in them, which your body needs to create vitamin A. Citrus Citrus fruits are extremely good for your oral health, because they have a large amount of vitamin C. Chewing fiber-rich, fresh fruits massages your gums, helps clean your teeth and increases salivation, which can neutralize the citric and malic acids that citrus fruits may leave in your mouth. Our favorite fruit choices are oranges, pears, and watermelons. Apples You know that eating an apple a day can keep the doctor away – this includes the dentist too. Apples, which we like to call nature’s toothbrush, are a good snack because they are fibrous. Eating an apple can help clean your teeth until you brush and floss. Avoid apple juices because of the added sugar which can cause tooth decay, but enjoying a fresh apple can stimulate your gums and reduce cavity- causing bacteria to build up in your mouth. People who eat more fruits and vegetables usually have better smiles. When you eat well, you feel good and when you feel good you look good. These foods that will keep you smiling until your next Vancouver family dentist visit at Salmon Creek Family Dental.